About Us
Men and women have distinct, God-ordained roles that must be understood for a marriage to succeed. By following God’s prescribed formula, you can have a successful, exciting, happy marriage!
Billions of Christians are waiting for the Return of Jesus Christ. Yet virtually no one understands how this will occur. The Bible reveals the shocking truth about Christ’s Coming, and the manner in which God’s Kingdom begins. It is not what you expect!
The word “Christmas” triggers fond memories of family, gift-giving, decorations, music, cherished traditions and sentiments of “peace and goodwill toward all.” Yet, this holiday, and all its customs, predate Jesus’ birth by thousands of years!
The human mind has brought awesome advancements in science, technology and exploration. But it also yields vanity, greed, lust, deceit—and appalling evil. Why this paradox? You can understand!
Jesus Christ is celebrated and worshiped by billions. But Paul warned of worshiping “another Jesus”—a false one. Do you worship the Jesus of the Bible? Are you sure?