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Library: Tools of Growth

Are You Emotionally Mature?

by David C. Pack

In this age, people no longer base decisions and actions on solid moral values. They have been programmed to act according to their feelings. Emotions are something that all Christians must battle. Are you controlling your emotions?
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Exercise God’s Spirit!

Mankind constantly searches for new sources of power. God has an unlimited source of POWER that would solve all problems. But society is unaware of it. Do you know how to access this power—and what it can do for you?
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Meditation – The Misunderstood Tool

What is meditation? Is it daydreaming? Is it emptying your mind? Is it reaching a “higher plane of consciousness”? Is it sitting Indian-style, pondering “life’s great questions”? Are these what God calls MEDITATION?
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Study to Show Yourself Approved

The Bible is a living Book. Some have no interest in studying it. Do you understand the value of Bible study? How can you establish a pattern and stick to it? What kind of things should you study? Read on—and learn why you should study the Bible!
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The Keys to Dynamic Prayer

Prayer is vital to the spiritual life of Christians. It is one of the five tools of Christian growth. Yet this tool is under-utilized and greatly misapplied. Many profess to be Christian and never pray. Others say their prayers go unanswered. Here are the keys to dynamic prayer!
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The Rules of Effective Bible Study

How can the Bible be the world’s all-time best seller, yet remain the most misunderstood book ever? Because people refuse to believe that it means what it says, it is misrepresented, twisted, and maligned. If your mind is opened to the truth, apply these simple, basic rules to understand God’s…
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Why Does God Allow Suffering?

by David C. Pack

The world is filled with suffering of every kind. Countless millions know little else. Yet God allows it. Why has He not stopped the terrible suffering that afflicts so many? Is there a reason God has not intervened? Does suffering have a great unseen purpose that can be understood?
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What You Need to Know About Fasting

Christ said that His servants would fast. What is a fast? Is it starving yourself? Is it missing one meal—or more than one? Is fasting an obsolete Old Testament ritual—or an effective tool for Christian growth? Is it commanded for Christians today? Here are the answers to these questions and…
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You Can Overcome and Prevent Sin

by David C. Pack

So many seem trapped, unable to overcome—to grow in areas of weakness, fault and sin. Instead of overcoming their problems, most are overcome by their problems. This should not be—and need not be! You can overcome. Here is how.
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